What We Do

We accelerate grassroots-level solutions by placing resources directly in the hands of the finest environmental stewards—local people.

Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the world’s poorest region despite the recent strong expansion of several African countries. More than a third of people in sub-Saharan Africa were already living in severe poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 per day, before the COVID-19 pandemic. More than half of the so-called “extremely poor” people in the world are from Africa.

Help advocates in solving the world’s most serious environmental and social justice issues.


Small Holder Farmers converted to Regenerative Agriculture Practices

1 million

Employ one million students, workers, interns and volunteers with the aim of lifting minds and communities out of poverty

0 HA

Restore up to 2000 hectares of farmland using regenerative technics and carbon infusion

0 MT

Increase carbon soil and reduce the carbon content in the atmosphere by the same number

Right to Resources

Growing resource reliance and expanding global economies have altered how people interact with the environment. The health of the water, soil, and air are being harmed by an increase in pollution, poisons, and extractive industries.

Prana Grants is one of the few organizations that places trust and decision-making power directly in the hands of communities to protect and restore their land, biodiversity, water, and the health of their families.

We listen to community needs before investing in locally-led action to monitor polluters and demand toxin and waste clean-up, restore critical habitats, and protect air and watersheds for future generations.

Ultimately, the only wealth that can sustain any community, economy or nation is derived from the photosynthetic process – green plants growing on regenerating soil.

Allan Savory

A Regenerative Community

The environment benefits when locals can support themselves and their families.

Examples of Grassland Restoration

Allan Savory at Tufts University

We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help someone